Sensational Valentine's Day Treats ($3 & Up)
Product Details
This is the perfect small gift for Valentine's Day Wishes this year:
Sensational Valentine's Treats
- Yogurt-Covered Pretzels (large bag $7.25)
- Chocolate Non-Pareils (large bag $9.25)
- Sanded Gummy Hearts (small bag, $3, large bag, $7.25)
- Chocolate Covered Almonds (small bag, $4.00, large bag, $8.50)
- Watermelon Gummy Rings (small bag, $3, large bag, $7.25)
You may choose to add:
- "I'm Yours, No Refunds Mug ($15)
- Heart Insulated Tumbler ($20)
- Valentine's Day Mylar Balloon ($4.50)
- Valentine's Day Latex Balloon ($2.50)
- Valentine's Day Mini Mylar Balloon ($3)
As always, every Sensational Gift
is beautifully wrapped with colorful cellophane, tied with lovely coordinating
ribbons, and can be customized with gift tags and labels, incorporating your
logo and/or personalized message at no additional charge.
If you'd like to send a bulk order for Sensational custom treats, please send the following information to
- Recipient Name, Company Name (if applicable), Address & Phone Number (if all being delivered to one address)
- Sensational Treat Size and flavor and ribbon color (see color chart)
- Quantity Needed
- Label with logo and/or message; please send logo as jpg or pdf file 30KB in size or larger
- Desired Delivery or Pick-Up Date
If your Sensational Treats are being sent to individual locations, please send us your list in an Excel spreadsheet in the following format to
- First Name | Last Name | Company (if applicable) | Address One | Address Two | City | State | Zip |