Sensational Easter Joy ($80 & Up)

Sensational Easter Joy ($80 & Up)

Product Details

New for 2024!   Happy Easter wishes are sent with this beautiful colorful container brimming with wonderful gourmet treats:

Sensational Easter Joy  $80

Milk Chocolate Bunny

Delicious Nam's Bits Chocolate Chip Cookies 

Peach Gummy Rings

Mouth Watering Flavored Marshmallows

Yogurt Covered Pretzels

Raspberry Shortbread Cookies

Dark Chocolate Covered Cashews

Sweet & Crunchy Snack Mix

You may choose to add:
  • Large (18") Plush Bunny ($22)
  • Medium (12.5") Plush Bunny ($18)
  • Small (5.5") Plush Duck ($12)
  • Plush Bunny (16") with Carrot ($18.75)
  • Small (5.5") Quacking Duck ($10.50)
  • Bubble Wand ($3)
Each Sensational Gift will be beautifully wrapped in a springtime container with colorful cellophane and tied with lovely coordinating ribbons. Remember, custom gift tags and labels (incorporating your logo, if desired) are available for unique customization at no additional charge.  
